One of the many perks of having a desert landscape is the fact that more often than not, it is extremely low maintenance. Though it does not require as much upkeep as a full lawn and garden, there are some specific things that you can do to keep everything looking tidy and fresh. Let’s check out some ways that you can maintain your desert landscapes.

What are desert landscapes?

Desert landscapes can be hostile but often picturesque, with their unique native plants and rock formations. Some people garden in deserts to make the harsh land more friendly and tolerable. Desert gardening, however, can be challenging, especially without a green thumb. However, there are simple and easy desert landscaping ideas for homeowners.

Desert Gardening Ideas

Adding desert or drought-tolerant plants can make your yard more pleasant. Succulents, for example, come in different sizes, shapes and colors! These plants can withstand dry conditions without any difficulties and with less maintenance.

You can take advantage of your immediate surroundings to create a dynamic and unique landscape design. If you have a large area, you can incorporate native plants into a rock garden to play with greenery and textures. Other ideas include container gardening and adding a water feature, such as a clear, shallow pond that can reflect the stunning desert sunrise and sunset.

Desert Landscape Maintenance

Although desert landscaping is considerably less maintenance than traditional gardening, low maintenance does not mean no maintenance, however, and sometimes a little care here and there is needed.

Mowing Desert Landscapes

There does not tend to be a lot of grass in typical desert landscapes, however, many homeowners opt for a patch of lawn, especially if there are pets or children in the household. Mowing this little bit of grass may seem pretty straightforward, but there are some things to keep in mind. Cutting grass too short can lead to it drying out much faster. This means that it will need more water more frequently in order to recover, which may mean an increase in your utility bills. Leaving grass slightly longer improves its overall health, and it is often cooler to the touch as well. 


This is one similarity between desert landscapes and regular gardens. Weeding should be kept up with fairly regularly, so essential nutrients and water are not being stolen from the plants that you wish to grow. If weeding is done consistently, weeds will have less of a chance of spreading seeds and continuing to take over your landscape. 


Most desert plants do not need a tremendous amount of extra fertilizer, as they are accustomed to growing in areas where the nutrients derived from such are fairly sparse. That being said, if you have supplemented desert landscaping with other flowers, or if you would like to give your plants a little extra love, there are some that may benefit from supplying a small amount of fertilizer. 


Desert landscaping often does not require as much pruning as typical garden plants. However, in dormant months, it may be necessary to trim away a few patches that have died so that new growth can happen. If this does become needed, trim only the parts that have already died off, and do not do so any more often than the bare minimum. Pruning plants causes them to grow, which requires more water. If you do decide to take on the task of pruning, it is important to keep that in mind. 

Watering Desert Landscapes

Another perk of desert landscaping is the fact that it does not typically need much water to thrive. Rainfall is not extremely common in the desert, so plants native to the area are accustomed to finding moisture elsewhere. That being said, a little extra help staying hydrated now and then could prove beneficial. Keep in mind to not overwater desert plants, however. 

Desert Landscaping Las Vegas

There are several ways to improve desert landscaping, but there are also many special considerations. But as you can see, desert landscaping is fairly easy to keep up with.

If you want to install a desert landscape around your home, have questions about keeping up with it, or anything else, contact our team of experts today.